Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Our health is a real wealth, without it we can't enjoy life and therefore we should take utmost care of it.

Good health…..and lasting happiness is not like a bank balance…..it`s a matter of good habits and positive attitude in life. Good habits are difficult to form but easy to live with and bad habits are easy to form but difficult to live with.

Good health and happiness is not the prerogative of the elite or a favoured few, it`s the right of every human being. Every human being has the best doctor {healer} within himself. The need is to recognize and trust him and assign him the duty to heal our illnesses.

An illness is a retribution of outraged nature…..and whenever we desire to get rid of an illness …our innate doctor is ever ready..to cooperate with us. Our body has amazing power within to heal itself……without any external help.
But unfortunately when something goes wrong we habitually, ignorantly and immediately rush to doctor for unnatural external help. Actually due to ignorance and misconception we have become Hypochondriacs and weaklings.

We have become impatients and have strayed from Nature. We have forgotten the fundamental laws of nature. Our god gifted body isn't a disease producing factory, on the contrary it's a resilient and robust self-repairing mechanism.

Nothing heals better and faster than mother nature and believe me it's amazing. I didn't take any medicine in my life. I have always relied on self healing power of my body and it has never disappointed me. The fundamental principle of Nature cure is, stop the causes of the disease and it will cease. Patience and persistence is the 2nd principle of it. Eat well, sleep well, work well and laugh a lot and you will always be fit and fine. If you wish to know more about Nature healing, please email me.

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